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List of press Articles
UK on track for lowest ever benefit levels by 2030 warns IPPR, as it urges renewed purpose for social security
Take a leaf out of Biden playbook and tie green incentives to good, well-paid jobs says IPPR
UK's tax obsession debunked: most advanced economies with higher taxes than UK have higher income growth
Liberal Democrats have grasped that better health and care are the path to a stronger economy, says IPPR
Teach democracy classes in all schools and give votes at 16 to boost young people’s faith in politics, report urges
Interest rates are too high and starting to bite on the economy, says IPPR
Revealed: An estimated £15 billion local public assets sold since 2010
Sunak net zero backtrack is an ‘historic mistake’ that will cost consumers, risk jobs and undermine energy security says IPPR
Climate ambition will protect UK households from volatile fossil fuel inflation, says IPPR
Tata Steel “a bad deal for workers”, says IPPR
Over 1,000,000 days of learning lost after children sent home, with poorest hit hardest
Fair tax changes in Scotland could boost spending on key national priorities by hundreds of millions per year, say campaigners