Press releases

List of press Articles

  1. Osborne should support squeezed rail & bus users, not another tax giveaway for motorists

    hink tank report says 'war on motorists' is a myth
  2. Almost a million young people still NEET

    hink tank shows employers increasingly reluctant to hire teenagers
  3. Give people power over the sharing of their data

  4. Reaction to Clegg, Lords reform, boundary changes & the future of the Coalition

    he IPPR think tank has today published two analyses of the implications of yesterday's announcement from Nick Clegg, from Professor John Curtice and Nick Pearce.
  5. No evidence for school privatisation

    hink tank says innovation & reform should come from the not-for-profit & public sectors
  6. GDP fall much bigger than expected

    overnment must act to get the economy growing again.
  7. Failed recovery means UK will lose £165bn of GDP by 2015

    hink tank recommends roadmap for growth
  8. 12 champions for 2012 - the dozen northern heroes set to make a difference

    PPR North celebrates Northern champions going for gold this summer
  9. A Fair Deal for the North?

    he government likes the idea of striking a deal. It carries a whiff of free market and binds parties into a clear sense of rights and responsibilities. And deal-making might just be the way forward if the North of England is ever to throw…
  10. Responding to 'Listening to troubled families'

    Responding to Louise Casey's report 'Listening to troubled families' and the government's scheme to 'turn round the lives of 120,000 of Britain's troubled families', Clare McNeil, Senior Research Fellow, IPPR, said:
  11. Double dip recession hitting jobs hardest in North of England

    100,000 more unemployed across the North over the last year
  12. Headline unemployment down but young people continue to struggle

    Welcome improvements in the national picture hide longer-term problems