Press releases

List of press Articles

  1. Make the Big Society fair for the North, leading think-tank urges

    PPR North's report argues that relying on donations from business to provide resources for social action will put areas such as London - where large numbers of big business are headquartered - at a huge advantage.
  2. ISAs don't work: New savings account needed for low-income families

    ndividual Saving Accounts (ISAs) have failed to boost the saving ratio and most of the tax relief they offer goes to people who would have saved anyway. Meanwhile, many low-to-middle income earners have inadequate savings, according to a…
  3. AV better suited to increasingly 'promiscuous' British voters

    The Alternative Vote system is better suited to the modern electorate than First Past the Post because voters have become more 'promiscuous' and less tribal in the way they vote, according to a new report from ippr
  4. New poll shows strong support for change to AV voting system

    ith three weeks to go until the referendum on changing the voting system, new polling carried out for ippr shows stronger public support for the Alternative Vote (AV) than any other poll in 2011.
  5. Good news for the North: ippr north responds to Regional Growth Fund Round One announcements

    ppr north today gives a cautious welcome to the announcement of the first round of Regional Growth Fund awards.
  6. Parents need GoCompare-style website for nannies and nurseries

    The government should help establish a comparison website for nannies and nurseries, according to a new report from ippr
  7. Teach First should be extended to early years

    The government should boost the graduate workforce in nurseries by encouraging the extension of the successful 'Teach First' scheme, according to a new report
  8. Higher take-up and improved quality of free nursery places needed to boost life chances of poorer children

    The extension of free nursery places for two-year-olds will only help to deliver the Deputy Prime Minister's goal of greater social mobility if take-up and quality of provision are improved, according to a new report
  9. 1980s-style Enterprise Zones alone will not create much-needed jobs in the North

    ppr north director Ed Cox responds to the announcements made on growth and Enterprise Zones in the March 2011 Budget.
  10. Long on small ideas, short of big vision: ippr responds to budget

    esponding to George Osborne's budget, ippr has said the announcements fell far short of a new vision for growth.
  11. ippr publishes a 'Plan B' for the Budget

    he Chancellor should use next week's Budget to revise his plans for cutting the structural fiscal deficit, according to a 'Plan B' published by ippr. ippr's Plan B proposes a new 'deficit reduction averaging' approach.
  12. Health reforms put dementia care in jeopardy

    A new study