Pump up the volume: A comprehensive plan to decarbonise the UK's homes
Unlike the UK’s success in promoting renewable energy generation in the power sector, the decarbonisation of the UK’s housing stock has repeatedly stalled.
The UK is currently installing only 6 per cent of the heat pumps, 9 per cent of the cavity wall insulations, 3 per cent of the loft insulations and 2 per cent of the solid wall insulations needed by 2028 to keep pace with net zero.
This is despite the opportunity to create 138,000 new jobs by 2030, prevent 10,000 excess winter deaths through warmer homes, and save households – particularly fuel poor homes – hundreds of pounds on their energy bills.
Well-designed, comprehensive policy to realise the opportunities of home decarbonisation and meet net zero targets for the UK has never been more important.
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